How to deploy a pre-built website from a code source into an EC2 web server on AWS

In this tutorial I will clone the codebase of a pre-built website from GitHub into an EC2 instance and serve the website files over the internet

How to setup an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance and install Linux, Apache, MariaDB and PHP (LAMP Stack) on Amazon Linux 2023

This guide will show you how to set up an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance and install LAMP stack on an Amazon Linux 2023 server. It will also show you how to store data in a MariaDB relational database, retrieve the data and serve it on a web page.

How to configure and host a static website on Google Cloud with Cloud  Storage

You can use your personal website to showcase your skills and portfolio of projects you have worked on. Google Cloud Storage (GCS) offers you a quick, easy and inexpensive way to host your static website.